Ahh, Graduation Season.

May: the countdown begins. Yes, if you haven’t been able to tell by the countless cap and gown pics on Instagram, the “I’m graduating in _ days!” status updates on your Newsfeed or the ever-popular “Game of Loans” memes, graduation season is upon us.

If you’re like me,the idea of graduation seems like a dream come true. I cannot wait to be liberated from the fiery pits of hell that is going to college. I just want to have my career already. I’m lucky, I know what I want to do, but just don’t have the diploma yet to do it. It isn’t so simple for so many others. For many, graduation may mark the end of school, but figuring out what to do and how to do it is something completely different.

However, as I say goodbye to another semester, almost every one I went to high school with is saying goodbye to school altogether, and grabbing their diplomas on their way out the door. And to them I say, You Go Glenn Cocos! You’ve successfully completed the last years of adolescence and have now entered the act of having to adult. I kid of course, the act of adulating may start way earlier than this. But, isn’t graduation that point in life where all of the adults you know ask you what your plan is now?

Doesn’t it seem like the minute you walk off that stage you’re supposed to just start being an adult and go to your job, and find your wife, and get a mortgage on a house and buy your first minivan and . . . (you see where I’m going with this). It’s like what old people judge our worth on. Like if we don’t already have our whole lives lined up we just aren’t trying.

And to these people I say, tsk tsk. We are trying. We just have major fails more often than we’d like to admit. We did go after that interview! We didn’t get it, because we have no experience and just graduated college. We did go after that date! But, they thought my best friend was more attractive than me. We wanted to come over to the party last week and the week before and the time before that! But since we’re poor and just graduated college and have student loans we have to work at Applebee’s or cocktailing the local bar on the weekends to make enough money to pay for my studio apartment.

What I’m getting at is this: graduating college is like the entryway into being a grown-up. We’re terrible at being grown-ups, but we’re trying. We are in our 20s, after all.

This is why I thought this would be the perfect topic for the very first blog on my page. “The Beginning of Adulting” if you will. What is my plan? I have no fucking idea. I’m just kind of winging it.

To the Graduates of 2016, Congrats! I’ll be joining you soon. And just remember,

You can’t use the starving student excuse anymore, now you just poor.

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